"No! I'm not going to do that!" retorted Adam. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I hear what you two are saying. Please give me some time to think about it."

Melinda and Lilin exchanged glances. It seemed there was hope.

Adam stood up and said, "You two can stay here for as long as you want. I'm going to get out of your hair first. But I'll arrange for a few bodyguards to protect you two. I'll come back to pick you two up after I've thought everything through."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the door.

Lilin watched as he left, then turned to ask Melinda, "Mommy, do you think Daddy will agree to our condition?"

Melinda shook her head. "I'm not sure. Sophia is just too important to him, after all."

Lilin spread out her hands. "Sigh! I wish Daddy would wake up soon. I hate to see Sophia emotionally manipulating him like that."

her phone buzzed with the sound of a notification. She took out her phone and saw it was

have you found the photo of the girl you said looked like my daughter? Don't forget

promised Emily to send her a photo of Corinne. She could not find any photo of her online

in a dilemma, Lilin asked her, "Mommy, what's

sighed again. "Your art teacher wants to see a photo of Corinne because I think she really looked like her when she was young. But I can't

with an idea. "Mommy, have you forgotten that I'm a painter? I can just draw a picture of Corinne

right! Hurry up, and do it now! I'll take a photo of the drawing once it's completed


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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