Jeremy shook his head. "I didn't hear anyone talking, but I did hear someone closing the door loudly. That was what woke up Benjamin and me."

Sophia recalled Adam did indeed close the door heavily when he went out. 'Oh, so that was what woke them up. That means Zachary must've not heard what Dad said,' she thought. She was afraid that Jeremy would overthink if he had heard what Adam said.

"Well, that's how Dad is. He does everything very roughly. Sorry for waking up you two," said Sophia with an apologetic smile.

Jeremy shook his head. "It's okay. Why didn't you ask your father to stay for dinner?"

A hint of anger flashed across her face when she recalled the fight she had with her father. "Oh, he said he has other plans."

"Okay," said Jeremy. He did not really care whether Adam stayed for dinner or not. He asked because he wanted to dispel Sophia's suspicion.

"Zachary, why don't you go watch telly with Benjamin for a while? Dinner will be ready


chauffeured car and ran into a coffee house. Chester had been waiting for her

late again," said Francine between gasps of breath.

okay. Why don't you take a seat and catch your breath first? I've already

wished she was as unflappable as he was. He was probably the most emotionally stable person she had ever met. Unlike her, he did not seem

Drink up," said Chester, putting the glass of

a small sip before saying apologetically, "Thank you for not getting angry at me for making you

"I understand you girls need some time to doll up. Plus, you were helping Corinne with her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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