"So I'm not someone?" asked Chester sarcastically.

"Okay, okay. Stop teasing me. I have to keep my attention on Anya to see if she's up to no good again!" said Francine shyly.

"Sure," said Chester. After that, he quietly observed Anya with Francine.

What they saw was Anya talking seriously-sometimes gritting her teeth-to the man opposite her as though they were deep in an important conversation.

The man opposite her looked to be in his early forties. He would nod and bow to Anya from time to time. It was obvious he was working for her.

After 15 minutes or so, the man got up and left, leaving Anya alone in the coffee house sipping her coffee in a daze and lost in thought. Not long after that, she left too.

Francine wanted to follow Anya after she came out of the coffee house, but Chester stopped her.

out we've been spying on her if we tail

whether she's going home or meeting up

a third party, Chester was able

your family to get someone to look into her. You're only going to

about it, Francine thought Chester was right. It would indeed be easier for her to expose herself in

instead to ask her to look into when Anya was released

shocked to hear Anya had been released from prison.

any better after hanging up the phone. All sorts

there. You've done all you could. Now, we just have to wait patiently for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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