Rather than comfort the crying girl, Matt tossed her hairpin to the floor and started to laugh at her. She cried even louder as a result. Joey, who was busy reading a storybook, could not bear to see the sight of i any longer. He went up to Matt, scolded him, and urged him to return the hairpin to the girl.

Matt ignored Joey's plea and made mocking faces at him. Joey warned him that he would call the teacher if he did not return the hairpin.

"I dare you!" Matt retorted. "I'll smash your head if you call the teacher!" Matt then grabbed Joey's collar before threatening him with a clenched fist.

Joey was not pleased, and it was clear that he was trying his best to endure what was happening. He took a deep breath and yelled, "Teacher!"

Joey in the face to stop Joey from yelling. However, Joey was nimble enough to dodge the attack. He then pushed Matt away,

to retaliate. In a fit of anger, Matt attempted several punches and kicks but failed to land a single

and caused her to cry out in pain. Unable to bear the bullying any longer, Joey rushed over to intervene.

and soon lost control. He retaliated and landed several punches on Matt. The kindergarten teacher, having been alerted by the commotion, rushed back and found

separated the two, bringing

insult Joey. However, she calmed herself down and said to the principal, "The truth should be clear to you by now, I believe. My son didn't act unprovoked, and he didn't instigate the fight in the first place. Do you still believe Joey owes Matt an apology? Don't you think you should have remained impartial and commenced a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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