Sunny frowned and said innocently, "How am I annoying? I gave you two some time to talk, didn't I? Xante, you should jump to my defense when someone calls me annoying. I am your future husband." Xante took a deep breath and adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses. "Okay, we had our lunch and you had your fun, so let's take you back to the hospital."

Sunny gave her a silly smile. "Xante, are you going to come up with me to see my dad, too?"

"I already saw him yesterday, so today's a pass," replied Xante coldly before she got into the car.

Sunny quickly got into the front seat and buckled his seat belt.

"Yesterday was yesterday; today is today. It's best to visit him every day since he's going to be your father-in-law one day!"

Xante stepped on the gas pedal and said gruffly, "What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't stop, I'm going to throw you out of the car!"

Sunny crossed his arms and leaned back on his seat. "I'm not talking nonsense! You're my future wife, so that makes my dad your future father-in-law. Xante, this shy act of yours is getting kinda tiring." Xante scoffed and asked, "Who said I'm being shy?"

his chin and said confidently, "I don't need anyone to tell me for me to know

abruptly stopped the car by the side of the road. Because of this, Sunny lurched forward

in confusion and asked, "Why did you suddenly stop the car? Xante... You're not really going to throw me out

on the steering wheel, Xante turned to look at him. "Would you get out of the car if I asked you

tightly. "No!

"Then behave


as Xante wanted to throw him out of the car, she could not bring herself to do it

annoying at the same time. Oh, what have I gotten myself into?' thought Xante. She had never felt so complicated about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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