'What right does a country bumpkin like her have to be a Missus Holden? Mister Jeremy must be blind to have fallen in love with a hick like her!' grumbled Sherlyn internally.

"Dad, you know very well Corinne has been using the Holden family to create one obstacle after another for me! How could you say that I'm not trying hard enough? I'd still be the most popular actress now if it weren't for her! I'd be making tons of money! You should be blaming her instead of me! I'm the victim here!"

Marvin did not spare her any feelings. "You're the victim, you say? How are you the victim? I wouldn't have crossed the Holden family if you weren't so delusional to think you were the one whom Mister Jeremy wanted to marry!"

"But Dad, I wasn't delusional! It was true I was the one he wanted to marry. He gave me all those engagement gifts! And I would have become a Missus Holden if that b*tch Corinne didn't seduce him away from me out of jealousy! You should be scolding her!"

Marvin no longer had the mood to entertain Sherlyn's antics. "I don't care who Mister Jeremy wanted to marry in the first place. The fact of the matter is, the Holdens only have Corinne in their eyes now. They don't even know who you are! And I'm not going to scold Corinne because she's not my daughter! It's not like she's going to listen to me if I scold her. Enough is enough. I don't want to hear you bringing up the past anymore. I'm going home now, and you better have the pork roast waiting for me!"


was all that b*tch's fault for how her life turned out. It was all Corinne's fault that she went from a

because she wanted to find out what time he was coming back.

pork roast for her. How the hell would she know

Marvin was not in the best mood, so she might really get thrown out of the house if she did

delivery app. She planned to plate the pork chop

pork roast problem solved, Sherlyn was able to focus on dealing with the two

former lover? Mom and I will be screwed if they rekindle their relationship! Not only can I kiss my acting career goodbye, but I'll also

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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