Fitness Fun in the Park

0:00 / 1:07

Sophia decided to leave as she did not want to fight with Adam. However, she suddenly remembered something and stopped to ask, "By the way, Dad, have you found Melinda and Lilin?"

Adam nodded. "They'll be back in a few days."

Sophia frowned. "Really? Where are they now?"

Adam gave her a warning glance. "I just managed to patch things up with Melinda, so please don't stir up trouble again! I'm not going to force you to get along with her. Worse comes to worse, you and I will jus steer clear of each other and live our own separate lives in the future."


to Sophia's tears. He was not falling for the emotional play anymore. "Enough! I never said I didn't want you! Stop overthinking and crying

was taken aback. She never thought there would be a day when her tears would lose their impact on her father. In fact, with Adam offering no solace at that moment, she looked downright foolish

her frustration, wiped away her tears, and turned

him treat me like this! Fine, I'll show them! Once I've sorted out the investigation, I'll deal

first flight to Molomia soared across the sky

priest in the church. They pledged to stand together for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, to love

and groom then sealed their commitment with a passionate kiss

float down when they kissed. It was like a scene out of a

the formalities of the ceremony concluded, the lively

in a white gown. She was truly amazed by the fantastic wedding ceremony and wished to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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