Emily held Corinne's icy hand and quickly reassured her, "Of course not, my darling. I want to take you with me! Moonie, will you come to Molomia with me?"

Corinne hesitated, which was surprising. After all, she had been dreaming of going away with her mother ever since she could remember.

It hit Emily hard that Corinne was all grown up with a life of her own when she saw her hesitating.

Emily wiped away her tears, smiled, and said to Corinne, "Look at me, still treating you like a child! I've forgotten that you're a grown woman now, with your own family and children." Corinne snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Emily with a complicated expression. "Can't you stay with us?"

Emily's smile faded into a bittersweet expression. "Moonie, I..."

Corinne was always that smart. She immediately knew what Emily was concerned about. "Mom, are you worried about the Riveras?"

but she was as good as admitting

escaped from. She did not want to remain in a city where she

Emily's hand tightly. "I get it. We can move far away from the city.

let me off the hook so easily. As long

imagine what abuse her mother had suffered at

let's not discuss who goes where for now. You're injured, so you should focus on getting better for

by Corinne's understanding. She nodded and held Corinne's hand. She started to share with her where she had been and the things she

they chatted, exhaustion eventually took over, and Emily drifted off

receive no response. After making sure Emily had fallen asleep, Corinne

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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