Corinne quietly brought the kids upstairs to give Jeremy and his grandparents some space.

Once back in their room, Corinne sat on the sofa.

Christine walked up to her and asked, "Mommy, is that man my daddy?"

Corinne looked at her and nodded. "Yup. Do you like him?"

Christine frowned in consternation. "I don't know 'cause I don't know him. Though, if you like him, then I like him, too."

Corinne raised an eyebrow. "Do you think I like him?"

Christine nodded. "Yeah! I think you really like him."

Corinne was a little stunned. She pulled her little daughter into her arms and rubbed her cheek against hers. "What makes you think I really like him?" "Because you let him kiss him! You wouldn't have done that if you didn't like him," answered Christine with shiny eyes.

"Oh... So you did see us kissing," said Corinne with a dejected air.

saw it. Joey and Bryan

pinched the bridge of her nose. 'D*mn it! They're

don't you go over there and play?

jumped down from Corinne's lap and ran over to play with her

hand on her forehead. It all still felt like a dream to her. 'Jeremy is

were all

on the door just when

learned how to knock after being away for so long,' thought Corinne. After all, Jeremy usually

and went to open the door, but it was not Jeremy standing

you can go to his study to find

Corinne nodded. "Okay."

straight to the study but went

taken over Jeremy's study over the years. On the days when she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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