Sophia no longer had any taunts up her sleeve and shot Corinne a fierce glare. Her eyes were red with jealousy when she saw Corinne and Jeremy standing together. All of a sudden, she cackled manically and clutched her belly as she said, "You're only confident because you've given birth to three of his children! But you're not the only woman who can give birth, you know! I can do it, too! I'm pregnant with his child now!"

Corinne narrowed her eyes and looked at Sophia's abdomen. "And how did that happen?"

Sophia gazed at Jeremy lustfully and retorted, "How else? Jeremy made passionate love to me night after night! I'm bound to get pregnant if he keeps filling me up!"

Corinne turned and glanced at Jeremy, who remained expressionless. "I've never done anything of the sort."

Corinne scoffed softly and directed her attention back to Sophia. "You heard him. How is he supposed to get pregnant if he hasn't done anything with you? What do you take me for? An idiot? He was wheelchair-bound in all his time with you. Where is he going to get the strength to father a child with you? Even if any physical intimacy did happen between you two, you had to be the one who took the initiative."

she burst out in laughter again. "He was

pretending? Let me refresh your memory. He's been putting on that act because he didn't want you to know! Why would he take the initiative to be intimate with you if he had been

I'm pregnant with his baby! We can do a

Jeremy's? As far as I know, your plans for that day

answer and decided not to entertain Sophia's nonsense any longer. "Give it a rest; stop trying to divide us. If he hasn't fallen for you even after you've brainwashed him and kept him captive for three years, you can be sure he's never going to have feelings for you. Instead of indulging in

one who did all this! It's because of you that my father and

didn't act alone. Jeremy was involved, as was our mutual

revelation, Sophia took a few steps back and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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