Sophia's confrontational attitude left Adam speechless. He could not fathom that the manic person in front of him was his daughter. 'How did Sophia come to this?' he thought to himself.

Lilin lost her temper and said angrily, "Enough, Sophia! Haven't you demanded enough from Dad over these years? You're never satisfied with what you have, and we've only reached this point now because you insisted on taking things that don't belong to you! How could you have the audacity to blame your father for this? You should reflect on yourself!"

Sophia glared viciously at Lilin and retorted, "You little b*tch! You don't have the right to talk to me like that! I wouldn't have to share Dad's affection with you if you were never born, and he would never have treated me like this in the first place!"

Lilin snorted. "Even if I never came into this world, Dad would eventually realize you're not worth his care and concern. You're greedy, ungrateful, and selfish!"

Sophia seemed to lose her mind at that moment and yelled, "Come over here, you little b*tch! I'm going to teach you a lesson!" She extended her hands through the iron bars and attempted to strangle Lilin. Melinda reacted just in time and pulled her daughter away from Sophia's reach.

Sophia's slow but sure descent into madness erased the last remaining slivers of pity and tolerance in Adam's eyes. He grabbed a cup of water from a nearby wooden table and splashed it onto Sophia's face. The sudden shock brought her back to her senses.

you're about to face and try to turn over a new leaf. You don't want to be a menace

teapot down and led Melinda and Lilin

plan to splash acid on Corinne was not a mere impulse -it stemmed

splash of water shocked Sophia back to her senses. She reached out and pleaded, "Don't go, Dad! You can't leave! You

her pleas. As soon as he left the police station and got into the car, he was overwhelmed by a strong sense of sadness. He raised his hands to cover his eyes

a vulnerable state before. She asked cautiously,

softly without

she saw her usually headstrong husband having a minor breakdown. She reached out to pat him on the back and said, "Look on the bright side. Sophia will get the chance

himself from crying bitterly. "You were right all along, Mel! I've spoiled her rotten and turned her into the inhumane person she is today. I failed to raise her well! She might not have turned out like this if I listened to you earlier and stopped myself from giving in to her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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