The police dogs entered the cave. Jeremy and Corinne followed suit.

The cave was enveloped in darkness, and there was the smell of burning wood in the air. As the police illuminated the space with powerful flashlights, they saw the dog cage in the cave and the ashes of burnt firewood.

At the sight of the dog cage, Corinne's eyes stung with tears. "They must've kept Joey in this dog cage! D*mn it! How could they treat a child like this?!"

Jeremy's expression did not look good either.

The police dog, sniffing around, barked twice after catching a peculiar scent.

Sunny moved forward to investigate with the police. He saw a puddle on the ground.


to grasp the situation immediately upon seeing the puddle. "That must be Joey's pee. He left it as a

dogs get familiar with Joey's scent and intensify the search!" added

"Yes, Mister Jeremy!"

the mountain, the balloon seller-looking visibly exhausted-trudged down with Joey on his back; his breaths becoming heavier with each step he

were unaware of the search happening on the opposite side of the mountain and remained

decided he could not go on. He set Joey down and said, "Anya, I'm telling you: You're overthinking this. No one will find us up here in the middle of the night! I can't go on. I'm done!" Anya immediately panicked after seeing him stop.

I skipped my dinner today just to drag him up the mountain, and you expect me to carry him down again? Not only did he get his sweat all over me, but he

"So what? I'll give you money to buy new clothes later. Just pick him up right now and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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