Therefore, Anya planned to snatch Joey back from Corinne. She believed that if the Holdens were willing to take in Joey, it meant they valued him. If she could regain control of Joey, they would also give her respect and benefits.

More importantly, she would be able to reconnect with Jeremy if she got Joey back. She was sure their former relationship would be rekindled.

Unfortunately, Joey turned out to be more fragile than she thought. He passed away quite easily after just a few kicks from her. She was pondering how to deal with his lifeless body when the sudden barking of dogs startled her.

'Why are there dogs in the mountain? Wait, could it be wolves? Sh*t, I don't have any weapons on me...'

around and quickly ran down the mountain. She did not care whether those were stray dogs or wolves. What if they were hungry? They could just feast on Joey's body. All

nearer. Several police dogs emerged from different directions, headed straight for Joey who was lying on the ground. They

of the police dogs, also quickened their pace to see what was

on the ground, Corinne's world crumbled.

up! Joey! Open

unresponsive, no matter how Corinne shook and called out

and she reached out to feel for Joey's breath. When she felt none, she immediately passed out from the shock. Jeremy quickly held her with one hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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