Tommy bowed. "Ma'am, you're too kind! Without Mister Jeremy, I wouldn't be where I am today. It's the least I can do!"

Corinne admired Tommy's abilities and character. She did not say more about the topic. Instead, she asked, "And where is he? Why isn't he here?"

"Mister Jeremy is on his way. He should be here in a little while."

Corinne smirked. "He's always like this. He said he'd go get us some food yesterday, but after he left, he never came back. Instead, he got his subordinates to deliver it."

Tommy chuckled. "Ma'am, you've misunderstood. Mister Jeremy didn't want you to worry, so he didn't tell you the whole story. Yesterday, our people caught Anya. He was concerned she might deny being the mastermind behind Mister Joey's kidnapping, so he personally supervised the police interrogation and confronted her. Mister Jeremy also took care of Sophia. She and Anya won't be causing any trouble for us soon."

'Anya's been caught, huh? Good. I'll never have to worry about her coming for Joey again!' thought Corinne.

Through the incident, Corinne could almost confirm that Anya was the one spreading rumors at Joey's kindergarten.

woman is truly twisted for not even sparing the

ward with Joey in her arms, Corinne muttered, "This is all Jeremy's fault for being so fatally handsome. Just look at this mess he's brought upon us! You

handsome? Ma'am is as direct and sharp-tongued as ever,' thought Tommy,

wounds and drew some blood for testing. Before leaving, she told them to wait for the result. If everything checked out fine, Joey would be able

door suddenly creaked open. Corinne glanced outside, thinking the nurse had come back with Joey's test result. However, it was actually Jeremy who

eyebrow when he noticed her reaction. "What's this? Are you

it was the nurse

with open arms when he saw

and held Joey in his arms. "Have you been a good boy? Did you listen

for so long next time, or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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