Maxwell's voice had not changed much. It was deep and pleasant as always, with a touch of change.

Emily-who had just sighed in relief-was surprised to see Maxwell. Before she could stand up, he sat down beside her.

Since there was no chance of escaping, Emily decided to calm down and looked elsewhere. "May I help you?"

Although Maxwell was sitting next to her, he kept a distance from her so he could take a good look at her.

"I just want to clear the misunderstanding between us," said Maxwell while looking at her.

"Okay, go ahead," said Emily without looking at him.

Maxwell sighed and started to explain, "Back then, there were simply too many misunderstandings between us. You thought that I cheated on you, and I thought that you'd fallen in love with someone else. Tha was why we were always fighting.

of the house because of the rumor, I didn't stop them because I was angry with you at that time. The truth is, I've never doubted you and I knew you'd

was forced to marry, had been interfering in our relationship. She even sent

not show any trace of emotion on

was a little taken aback. He then nodded and said, "Yes. Is there anything you'd like to know from me? If

replied Emily calmly as if she had no

asked cautiously, "Sunny told me that Moonie is going to travel the world for her honeymoon... So I've been thinking. Since we missed Moonie's childhood, maybe

do it myself! Besides, Moonie won't

Maxwell persisted. "The kids won't mind having another person spoiling them, will they? I bet they're

Besides, I haven't talked about it with Moonie either. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on my grandchildren. Don't follow me!" She then stood up and headed to the wedding

the Moonlights in our garden are blooming again. Would you like to see

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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