Fitness Fun in the Park

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With her few belongings packed in a single luggage, Melody was ready to leave.

As she descended the stairs, Helen grabbed her arm and asked, "Melody, have you lost your mind? Have you no shred of self-respect?! With your looks, finding a decent guy should be easy. Why stoop to being a home-wrecker?"

"Mom, is that how you really see me? Just someone who'd willingly become someone's mistress?"

taken aback by the unfamiliar resentment in Melody's gaze. Melody had never looked at her like that, so she could not help but wonder, 'How could she look at me like this? Is

from Helen's grasp and briskly descended the stairs with her luggage. As she reached the ground floor, Ethan and Wendy crossed her path. Wendy, eyeing Melody with the suitcase, could not resist a mocking laugh. "What did I tell you, Dad? Melody is someone's mistress now. Look, she's even taking her luggage. She must

taunt stirred up a wave of

name through the mud?" he scolded sternly. "If I had known your mom was pregnant with a daughter back then, I would've never allowed her to go through with

she was never the child born under the hopeful expectations of Ethan and Helen. Melody might never have been born if it were not for their mistaken belief

in silence. However, she did not want to endure it any longer. Melody could not find it in herself

pack my

to panic. She quickly exchanged a glance

her the entire night because of Melody's late-night escapade. Helen did not want to further irk Ethan

why bother sharing anything with us? If you respected our opinions, you wouldn't have ended up as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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