The wine had a strong alcohol content, and the sharp bite from that one sip burned like fire down Melody's throat. "I don't go to events like these often," she admitted, "so I'm not very used to the atmosphere here. Don't mind me, though. Go and have fun. I'll be fine on my own."

Stella smiled playfully. "That won't do! You're Lucas' friend, and I'm obliged to entertain you. However." She leaned in confidentially. "Lucas isn't exactly a social butterfly, especially when it comes to women. You're the first female friend he's brought to a banquet, so I'm curious to know how you two met each other."

The question was a little tricky. She could not bring herself to tell Stella the truth of their tumultuous first encounter in a hotel bedroom. That would shatter Lucas' carefully constructed facade of being single, and doing so might incite Lucas' wrath.

"," Melody mumbled. "We're not very close. I'm just an acquaintance, so don't worry about me."

Stella's smile remained, but her eyes narrowed and did not respond to that.

asked. "How did you meet

together. I know him better than anyone. You could even say we were childhood

were devoid of warmth as she scrutinized Melody's reaction. Alas, she was unable to

as she downed the glass of juice in one

"And we

Over here!" someone

she patted Melody on the shoulder and

part around her. She felt uncomfortable, so she silently left the room since Luccas did not seem

the stifling room and wandered back to the main hall, she sought solace in a quiet corner. Leaning against the balcony railing, she gazed at the glittering cityscape below. The world seemed like a beautiful place to be, yet it also felt distant, like a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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