Sherman kept a close eye on Melody's changing expressions.

The phone call already raised Sherman's suspicions, and her expression at that moment made him even more suspicious about the actual relationship between her and Lucas.

"Lucas can be a bit aloof. It must be quite exhausting for you to deal with him, huh?" Sherman casually remarked, but he carefully studied her face.

Melody, as if finding a confidant, nodded. "Exactly! He can be reserved, and his mood swings can be quite unpredictable. Sometimes, it's tough to understand him, and it's just so frustrating!"

"Unpredictable mood swings?" Sherman repeated with a raised eyebrow. He then continued, "Lucas might appear that way to outsiders, but since he married you, it's most likely that he likes you. How, then, could he be so cold toward you?"

Melody sighed dejectedly. "Who knows? Sometimes I don't even know what I've done to irk him. He's really difficult to communicate with!"

"No way! If Lucas treats you like that, why did you even marry him in the first place?"

The doubts in Sherman's mind intensified. He somehow had a feeling that there was more to their relationship than meets the eye.

you have no idea how challenging Lucas

to share her grievances, but a sudden realization made her clamp her

With him being an unexpected confidant in her frustrations with Lucas, she

she almost revealed the nature of

getting close to an answer, but Melody suddenly chose not

tried to lighten the mood. "Oh, nothing. I was just joking! Obviously, I married him because I

the seemingly casual tone, Sherman could not shake the

when the office door swung open, and Lucas walked

in a cheerful conversation,

I interrupting something?" he

up. "Lucas,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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