Beatrice snorted after hearing it. "It's not like I'm missing a meal because of her. Go tell her to come to the house. I'll personally cook for her," remarked Beatrice. "Yes, Madam!" Edmund respectfully acknowledged Beatrice's instructions, then conveyed the message to Stella.

Stella felt that things were not as simple as they seemed, but she could only maintain a polite smile as much as possible.

When Beatrice sought her out, it was definitely not just for a meal. Surely she had something in mind to talk about, was it not?

"Alright, I understand. I'll finish work tomorrow night and go visit Beatrice," Stella replied.

The next day...

Stella instructed her manager to reschedule all the appointments. After finishing work on the set, she took great care in dressing up, arriving early at the Riveras' residence.

Although Beatrice politely offered to cook for her, Stella could not readily accept. Going at mealtime might appear disrespectful to the elder, but arriving a bit early allowed her to present an image of being considerate and sensible.

in the car and adjusted

come in. Our Madam has been waiting for you for a while," the servant said. Stella flashed a radiant smile and said, "Great,

bottle of branded hand cream from her bag and handed it to the servant. "Taking care of Grandma Beatrice and Lucas is

persuasion was a

small favors to win over the servants of the Riveras. This way, she could have

saying, "No need, Miss Stella. I'm a rough


Forget it, then.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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