"I don't know your past as well as Miss Stella does, nor do I have a clear understanding of what you do every day, so I'd appreciate it if you could ask Edmund to send me an overview. Otherwise, we might be exposed when we perform in front of Grandma the next time. That... would be troublesome."

Lucas' face darkened. "You'll know everything about me if you put in a little effort on caring about me, but you're right. There's no one else here now, so we don't need to put on an act anymore. You stay here. I'll go to the study to go over some documents."

Lucas walked away without even looking back. Melody turned and picked up her script. It was as if she pretended not to hear the sound of him leaving until she was only left with herself in the room and the gradually fading scent of Lucas.

Both of them busied themselves with their own tasks, but only Melody knew that she was zoning out while pretending to read the script. Her mind was a mess, thinking only about Lucas.

'Nothing good ever comes out of marrying somebody out of your league,' thought Melody. It was exactly what she was experiencing at that moment.

She found it somewhat ironic. After all, she was the one who was secretly catching feelings for Lucas. He did not do anything wrong at all.

Not only had he not done anything wrong, but he had helped her a lot by lending her money to get her out of her plight.

done anything wrong. He just... He just doesn't like me...' thought

them were worlds apart. He came from one of the wealthiest, prominent families

script aside and hugged her knees sadly. To Lucas, she was just a

isn't right,' Melody admonished herself. It was like waiting for a ship that would never appear at the airport. It was best if

in 'War Song'. Plus, once the year was up, she could rely on her

Melody, you can do it!"

composed herself, picked up the script, and began to focus on

Meanwhile, in the study...

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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