The crew members who were standing at a distance whispered to each other.

"Why is it always Miss Stella buying things? Is Miss Stella doing it for her? Shouldn't Melody be paying for all that stuff?" "Well, maybe she thinks we don't deserve to eat her food! Not everyone is as respectful and treats us well as Miss Stella."

"But it's not right to always let a good friend spend money... That's really inconsiderate."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Who can argue with that?"

That was not the first time Stella had come over to Melody's film set. Every time, she would either bring coffee or smoothies along with high-end desserts. Her method of winning over people's hearts was quite appreciated by the crew members.

Melody often heard the crew praising Stella, addressing her as 'Miss Stella' enthusiastically while not being as warm toward her, the female lead.

Melody did not really care. For her, acting was ultimately just a job to earn money. Nonetheless, compared to other jobs, she did enjoy this one more and was more invested in it.

no need to expend effort in trying to please them.

a fresh set of clothes and settled in her seat to read the next scene. She could not care less about the other things that were going on around

and how could she tolerate that? After all, so much money had

crew member who looked like a pig had already gone back for the third round of

her, felt a wave of disgust but maintained a caring expression. "Do you want more of the desserts? You look like you've been starving for a long time. Doesn't the production team provide you with enough food? Take your time

could finish her sentence, the staff member choked and coughed. Stella silently stepped

Hurry, drink some coffee. That'll make the food go down easier.

felt embarrassed after he had recovered a bit. He gave a sincere smile at Stella out of gratitude. "Sorry you had to see that, Miss Stella. I pulled an all-nighter last night and hadn't had anything to eat, so I'm really

him, "I understand. But no matter how busy you are, remember to eat something. You wouldn't want to fall ill with stomach problems,

have experience with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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