"Why are you so afraid of her? It was her mistake in the first place, and I didn't say anything wrong. Honestly, people who keep making mistakes like this won't succeed. I can't help but wonder if Mister Shaun was drunk when he decided to cast her."

Melody clenched her fists as she listened to the crew member go from complaining about being unable to find the script to blaming her for misplacing it and suggesting that Shaun must have been blind when choosing her.

She was about to go up and defend herself when she heard someone exclaiming from the side, "Found it! I've found the script!"

A crew member ran over and handed the script to Melody, saying, "It was over by the food. Maybe you left it there when you were getting something to eat."

Melody was about to say she never went to the food table when she was interrupted by the disgruntled assistant.

"Well, I guess some people just don't have common sense. Us lowly assistants are made to clean up someone else's mess just because she can't control her greed. I'm totally speechless..."

"Hey, it could be that there were some changes that needed to be made to the script, and whoever made them left the script there by accident... So just pipe down, will ya?"

Melody was speechless. She did not even know what Stella ordered, let alone eat anything. How could she have left the script there?

were on a runway-and

advantage of others' inattention, she had taken away Melody's script. Not only that, but she had torn up the lines for the scene Melody was supposed to perform next,

will see how mediocre Melody is when she starts babbling nonsense in front of the camera. Ooh, I can't wait for Shaun to fire her. Then I'll get the part of the female lead! Which is just as well, since only I can play it well!'

she thought about Melody's

I gotta

disliked Melody, seemed to be quite fond of Stella. Her attitude toward Stella was

but did not flip through it. Instead, she mulled over Shaun's words and contemplated how she would portray Athena

Logan, are you still at the


to fame through digging into celebrities' private lives. Later, he focused only on major and sensational

or to leak

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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