Of course, along with the overwhelming praise, there were also some sarcastic and biting comments, mostly from Stella's fans. Shaun's fame, coupled with Melody's acting skills, and the platform-wide promotion kept the popularity high on her personal account.

Lucas, who was in the Rivera Group building, also saw Melody receiving widespread acclaim for her acting.

The first time he watched behind-the-scenes footage of Melody shooting, it was a completely different experience from seeing her perform live. He seemed to have turned into an ordinary audience, captivated by her every expression and movement. She transformed into a different person.

After a long pause, he sent Melody a message. [Congratulations on receiving public recognition for your acting. Keep up the good work.]

Melody happened to be scrolling on her phone when Lucas' message popped on the screen. As she read the message, the smile on her face froze.

'Isn't he supposed to be delivering food to Stella? How does he still have time to pay attention to me?' she wondered. 'Huh! I gotta hand it to him for his time management skills.'

Melody thought that Lucas had only glanced at the headlines in between delivering food for Stella, hence the 'insincere' message he sent her. He probably did not know what she had acted in. Melody took a deep breath and simply replied, [Thank you.]

anything else, she

sitting with his legs crossed lazily waiting for Melody's reply, only to be

insights from the shoot with me? Doesn't she have anything to

exited the chat, then went back in to check again, but that was all he received from

formulating a response,' he thought. He felt somewhat displeased about the absence of the 'typing...' indicator that never

Knock! Knock!

arrived and is waiting for you in the

door, Lucas was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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