Lucas did not say anything; he simply raised his hand and ran it through her hair. Even though they both used the same bath products, Melody always carried a more intense and fragrant scent on her body. As he remained silent, Melody took on the role of livening up the atmosphere. "Grandma, how has your throat been lately? Did you try the honey I brought for you last time?"

Beatrice nodded repeatedly. "Yes, I did. My throat feels much better now. The honey you bought is really good. Even your grandfather, who's not fond of sweet things, finds it soothing."

Melody smiled. "I bought it from a beekeeper in the countryside. It has much fewer additives than those processed ones. It's pure and natural, so you and Grandpa can drink it without worries. I'll buy more next time!"

Meanwhile, Lucas was still playing with Melody's hair. For some reason, Beatrice was glaring at him.

"Lucas doesn't like to drink hot beverages; he starts his day with iced coffee despite my many warnings that it's not good for the stomach. Melody, it's good that he has you now. You need to remind him more often to stop drinking iced coffee so much," nagged Beatrice.

Melody pouted playfully. "Grandma, he won't listen to me. However, he listens to the two of you the most, so you and Grandpa should remind him frequently."

Beatrice chuckled. "Don't worry. You can tell me and Grandpa if he doesn't listen to you. We'll make sure to teach him a lesson!"

Grandma and Grandpa backing me up, so you better listen to me from now on!" Lucas was not annoyed; he even extended his index finger

voice was deep, resembling cello tones, and there


even more reassured seeing the young couple

dinner is ready. Shall we

at the table," Cedric spoke first. He knew what

of you have stable relationships

about it more than once. She envisioned herself wearing a pure white, elaborate wedding gown, walking down the aisle with a long train, heading

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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