BD and the rest of the men did not find anything suspicious about her.

"You fools! She doesn't have any money at all. I can't believe you guys fell for her lies! You should be stripping her now if you have any brains! You might be able to earn more if you take a few naked photos of her and sell them to gossip magazines," mocked Wendy.

Melody remained unfazed. "Ignore her. Switch to the card ending in 84 and see if there's any balance in there."

Melody appeared completely calm, and the blonde followed her instructions to try a different card.

Lucas arrived earlier than the police did.

"The helicopter landing noise is too loud. It'll attract the kidnappers' attention if we land near this abandoned building."

"Mister Lucas, we're preparing to land now."

They chose an open space a bit farther from the two buildings. Although it was nearly a mile away from the abandoned building, it was still the best option.

Lucas grunted and lowered his ice-cold gaze. "I'm not sure how many kidnappers there are. I'll go in first."

can't go in alone..." Edmund tried

in to stop him as soon as they heard that Lucas intended to go into the abandoned

are inside. It might alert them to our presence if you just barge in there. That'll make it

that Lucas was

helicopter has landed, and the police officers will reach the target point within two minutes. Please remain calm

building where Melody was kidnapped, unsure of her condition and fearing the worst, was making it hard

down. He and several police officers lurked in the corner near the

One second. Two seconds.

the silence, he could only hear the sound of his own

of the three thugs were darker than the bottom of

grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, causing her to

"What are you doing? Isn't there one more card left? Swipe that one first. If there's still

to be very wealthy, but not a penny was found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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