"I need you to watch the surveillance footage and give me an explanation," said Shaun.

Puzzled, Melody followed him to watch the surveillance footage.

The surveillance camera was aimed toward Tracy's dressing room. On the screen, a person wearing very familiar clothes sneakily opened Tracy's door.

Shaun nodded at the screen. "Is there anything you find suspicious?"

Melody thought it was a new kind of test, so she carefully pointed out what seemed odd to her.

"First, the clothes look somewhat familiar. Second, why does the person look around when opening Miss Tracy's door, as if she was sneaking in? Did Miss Tracy lose something?"

Shaun lit a cigarette, indicating for her to take a closer look. "Do you only find the clothes somewhat familiar?"

With the reminder from those around her, Melody looked down. Indeed, the person in the video was wearing the same outfit she had.

"So, how do you explain yourself?" Shaun asked as he took a drag from his cigarette.

the whole thing absurd. What was there to

dressing room. What happened in the footage had nothing to do with her. How was she supposed to know why the person in the video was wearing the same outfit as her? More importantly, the person deliberately avoided the camera.

exactly what do you expect me to explain? Don't tell me you asked me to come back urgently because you don't trust me. I swear I didn't go into Miss Tracy's dressing room. I have no reason to

thought that one day

a problem if something did go missing, but Miss Tracy's injured her foot! I suggest that whoever did this should own up to

speaking. Unsurprisingly, it was the same woman who had been mocking her both openly and

she said true, Mister Shaun? Nothing went missing,

shooting this afternoon will

she got injured. But even so,

do you explain the person in the footage wearing the same clothes and having a similar body shape as you?" the cameraman questioned. He was not singling out Melody. He just could not stand

film was proceeding smoothly, benefiting everyone involved. However, another

how to explain, and I feel like I shouldn't have to explain because

at a loss for words. Everyone seemed to have concluded that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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