Everyone pitied Stella even more when they saw her eyes reddened.

Melody was unimpressed. She simply watched Stella and found it nothing but ironic.

"That Melody is truly ungrateful and a bad friend! Poor Miss Stella. Even she has times when she misjudges people. Honestly, how could she be friends with someone like Melody?" said someone from the crew.

The others could not help but express their sympathy as well.

Melody felt nothing but annoyance at their words.

"I expected nothing less of you, Miss Stella. You're always ready to perform, whether in front of the camera or in everyday life. What an impressive acting skill!" said Melody with a smirk. She looked mockingly at Stella, who unconsciously avoided her gaze.

as she felt guilty

but you need to stay calm and not say things impulsively. You shouldn't let everyone down like that. I'm sure

not want to play along with this fake woman anymore. "Oh, what's there to redeem? I haven't done anything to apologize. Stella, don't put on a show anymore. We're not friends at all. It's only you who has been insisting on that all along. I've been silent all this time, simply because I can't be bothered to

energy to deal with you. Yet, it turns out you're a habitual liar who treats real life like your own personal drama. Sorry, but I'm not as good an actress

and her straightforward response further fueled the resentment

this woman understand the situation she's in right

Melody and Stella were friends but on the fact that she had done something wrong. She needed to apologize to Tracy and

Miss Stella? And don't you think you're being too cocky for your own good? If I were you, I'd be thrilled just to be in Miss Stella's

just a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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