Lucas sat quietly by Melody's bedside, watching her sleep for half an hour.

Before leaving, he sought out the attending doctor and the nurse. They were both waiting outside the room, ready to do his bidding.

"Mister Lucas."

"Mister Lucas.

Lucas nodded in acknowledgment. "I need to go home for a while. I'll probably—"

He glanced at his watch. "I'll probably be back within an hour. Please make sure to keep an eye on my wife's condition during this time. When she wakes up, just tell her I'll be back soon." Both the doctor and nurse nodded. It was their job, after all.

Lucas swiftly left the hospital and drove back home.

"Hello, sir. Welcome back."

Lucas waved his hand, signaling the household staff not to bother with greetings.

some of Melody's belongings. Given how weak she looked, it would be best if she stayed in the hospital for a few more days

any oversights if he asked someone else to pack Melody's things, Lucas came back personally. He packed quite a bit because he wanted to make Melody's hospital stay as comfortable as possible. Just as he was about to leave, he received a call from


worried that Melody might wake up and find him missing again. Thus,


Why are you crying? Did

Lucas' questions, Thalia

still some

on? I'm sort of busy right now, so it's best if you tell me quickly

sound quite pitiful. "Lucas, I... Forget it. It's not like telling you'll help anything. You don't have to worry about me." "What do you mean, I don't have to worry about you? Tell me immediately if something happened to you, so I can send someone to help you," said

Lucas' surprise, Thalia cried even harder

really suffering here. When will

she was very sad. Unfortunately, Thalia continued to be evasive, sobbing instead of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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