Patty nodded and continued, "We all enjoy watching the behind-the-scenes footage of your movies. But, since you haven't finished filming yet, we can only keep watching the snippets that the production team has released over and over.

"As soon as you woke up, the hospital director immediately shared the news of your safe recovery in our hospital group chat. Otherwise, who knows how many nurses would've been in tears!" Melody was genuinely surprised. Did she really have so many devoted fans already?

Despite Patty's earnest assurances, Melody found it hard to believe. After some contemplation, she decided to say, "Tell them I'm fine now. I should be able to go back and continue filming in a few days." Patty, with a twinkle in her eyes, replied, "Everyone in the hospital knows about your condition probably even better than you do. There are quite a few fans eagerly waiting to get your autograph once you're better."

Melody smiled and nodded. "Certainly."

When it came to her fans, Melody always tried her best to fulfill their requests. After all, the relationship between fans and celebrities was like that of the moon and stars.

Without these stars, Melody would be just a solitary figure in the sky. It was the companionship of these stars that kept her from feeling lonely. Without the moon, on the other hand, the stars would lose their twinkle.

Even if they were just sharing snippets of their lives, she appreciated it. Acting had brought her a lot of

after watching her perform on screen. She was genuinely touched by this kind of support and affection. Patty smiled and nodded. "It's about time for me to go. I'm going to let you rest. Why don't you take a quick nap?

when she would open them again and see Lucas

so resilient. Even after being held underwater for over ten seconds, Melody managed to wake

Shaun's fault!' she thought. She would not have tolerated this kind of treatment on set if it were not for the fact that

been more ruthless in

when she looked at her beautiful face-even without makeup-in the mirror. "All those plastic surgeries I did

as she was admiring herself in the mirror, the door to the dressing room creaked open. In walked a tall man wearing

are you doing in my dressing room? Close the door now! Do you want somebody to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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