Penny sensed Roland approaching as each step seemed to echo across the forest with the crunching of leaves. Fearful of making any noise, Penny covered her mouth tightly.


"Hurry up," Lucas urged. He was able to ascend the mountain swiftly thanks to his long legs. However, Monica struggled to keep pace and was panting heavily. Still, she hesitated to ask Lucas to take it slower simply because he was prepared to save her friend.

Lucas moved forward without checking if the other people were following him. Anxious, Monica pressed on and began to hike desperately up the mountain.

Upon reaching a peak, Lucas stopped abruptly and signaled the others to halt.

"What's wrong?" Monica inquired cautiously.


her breath and wondered if it

turning left. He heard a woman struggling, and

her mouth and strangled her. However, Roland-as a security officer-was much stronger than her. As she was about to surrender,

someone here to save

Monica, and she did not regret calling her before the incident. When she decided to tell Monica everything, she regretted that there might not be a chance

grown disillusioned with the dynamics of the industry and going on a different path from what she wanted. In a field where connections were insignificant and interactions were dictated

Monica screamed and rushed

that the situation was unfavorable for him, threatened,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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