After the particular incident, Thalia had spent some time with Beatrice, and she found it difficult to get along with her. Beatrice even commented that she had changed. The comment unsettled Thalia for many years, prompting her to escape abroad after only a few days in the city.

After all these years, returning home still brought a sense of unease. Somehow, she had a gut feeling that it would still be challenging to get along with Beatrice.

Seeing Thalia genuinely nervous, Lucas suggested postponing the visit.

Thalia forced a smile and said, "It's okay. Grandpa and Grandma will be happier if I visit them as soon as I land. Otherwise, it might seem impolite. Besides, I just got back, and I don't know where to stay. So can I stay at your place for now?"

Thalia wanted to see how Lucas and Melody lived together. She hoped to understand, through these subtle clues, just how important Melody was to Lucas.

Lucas fell into a thoughtful silence, seemingly hesitant, at Thalia's request to stay with him.

"I have another place. How about you stay there? It might be more comfortable for you to stay there since you seem like you're worried about Grandma."


a part of your life? Or is it because you have Melody now that you don't care about me

words and tone

any romantic thoughts for her. All he had for her

not know many people there. Thus, he was somewhat worried about letting her

stay at the house for now. There are

put in a good word for me


getting out of the car, but as she approached the door with her belongings, she

about whether to come back another time, Beatrice and Cedric spotted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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