Lucas nodded somewhat helplessly, but seeing Melody so happy, his mood lifted as well. At that moment, he could not foresee how Melody's emotions might affect him in the future. "Since you've asked so nicely, I guess I've no choice but to relent. Come on, change into something casual. Let's go home."

Melody was ecstatic all the way, and even when they reached the entrance of their mansion, her face still bore a bright smile. She was eager to get inside.

"It's only been a little over ten days since I was last home, but it feels a bit unfamiliar already," she remarked.

Lucas reached over to unbuckle her seatbelt. "No need to be so dramatic. You'll see that nothing has changed once you get out of the car."

Melody did not take his remark to heart, given the good mood she was in. At that point, she had not realized that she already considered Lucas' home as her own. "Oh, Melody, you're back?"

Melody was thrown off by a girl's voice, and her smile faltered. She instinctively turned to Lucas, attempting to find answers on his face.

'Why is Thalia staying here?'

was somewhat puzzled. "What's wrong?" Weren't

horse released from its reins. He even unbuckled her seatbelt

she seem so upset right

"It's been a while,

"I'm getting better. Thalia,

for my trip back this time, so Lucas suggested I stay here. It's more convenient to have someone to

intervened to explain, "I forgot to tell you. I've been staying with you at the hospital all these days. I thought I'd tell you when

expressionlessly. With Lucas busy arranging a full-body checkup for her these past few days, it was understandable that he might forget

have told me a bit earlier? How am I supposed to be happy after finally being allowed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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