"You'll one day find a husband who genuinely loves you, so don't worry. These things can't be rushed," Beatrice added.

Thalia hugged Beatrice's arm affectionately and said, "Gee, I wonder if I'd be able to experience the same care on concern from you that Melody receives? I've always felt a sense of kindness and warmth from you ever since the day I first met you. It makes me feel homely, and it has only deepened during my stay here. You and Grandpa Cedric are such a joy to be with. I feel close to you in my heart, but I'm worried that you won't feel the same way with me..."

Beatrice did not wish to engage in such small talk when she was eagerly awaiting her granddaughter-in-law's return. She gently patted Thalia's hand and removed it from her arm. "Your future husband's grandparents will adore you, too."

Cedric ignored the entire conversation. Thalia was trying to overstep her boundaries. She could never measure up to Melody regardless of how much Thalia tried. Unsure of how to respond, he decided maintaining his silence would be better.

Thalia appeared oblivious to the awkwardness between them. She grasped Beatrice's arm again, but from behind to deliberately create an appearance of closeness.

Lucas' car had arrived at the door by then. Unfazed by what Thalia was up to, Beatrice immediately approached them.

Grandma! I just need to take

Lucas insisted that she go over and greet Beatrice.

been helping her a lot anyway, and the belongings were

warmed up considerably more compared to earlier with Thalia. Beatrice immediately held her hands and

then turned

"Hello, Miss Thalia."

take it that means you're fully recovered

offered to turn on the heater, but I said no because I didn't want it

inside. We shouldn't be lingering here at the door. We could get an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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