"Grandpa, please stop Grandma from going in. I'll go in."

Lucas frowned. He made sure his grandparents did not follow, then took the flashlight from them and headed into the forest.

"Melody? Melody?!"

Thalia secretly laughed when she saw them arguing because of Melody.

'Finally! Lucas should've realized that Melody was a troublemaker a long time ago! Since the day they got together, Lucas had been cleaning up after her messes. How could a woman like that be a suitable match for him?' she thought smugly but then met Beatrice's sharp gaze.

Beatrice was not a pushover like Melody. She took a few steps forward and bluntly exposed Thalia's facade.

don't welcome manipulative women like you! If you don't want things to get ugly between us, think carefully about what

behind Beatrice, showing

She was young, but she had quite a cunning

cold wind blew, causing Thalia

talking about? Why are you trying to drive me away like this? I know you've never liked me, but just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm a manipulative woman. Lucas has known me for so many years, so he understands what kind of person I am. Plus, not only are you belittling me, but you're

up, so I know him better than anyone. He knows full well that you're the type who says one thing in front of others but does

lip pitifully. "I know I can't change your rigid impression of me. Since that's the case, I won't force it anymore. Actually, I came out with them today to discuss moving out. You don't need to worry about seeing me at home, and I won't do anything to annoy you anymore. But I

Lucas doesn't mean I'm a manipulative woman. I know you

laughed bitterly. "If you hadn't done anything wrong, why are we still standing here in this forest when it's nearly nightfall? If you hadn't done anything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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