"Ah!" Melody yelped when the doctor's hand moved near the swollen area.

The doctor seemed relieved. "It looks like it's just a sprain, since there's no pain in the other areas. It's still safe for you to continue filming. However, you'll need a few days to recover from this sprain. Make sure not to aggravate the injury. Mister Lucas, you must ensure that your wife puts pressure on her left foot."

Lucas nodded solemnly. He would not let Melody's condition worsen.

After hearing that it was not a fracture, Melody sighed in relief. Being confined to bed at home for a few days was much better than resting for months.

Later, they went to get an X-ray, and when Lucas went to get medicine for Melody, Thalia was finally brought over by Raymond.

Raymond felt particularly unlucky that day, especially when he had to carry Thalia, who was not cooperating at all. She felt like a dead weight on his back. She would have fallen off if he did not hold onto her tightly.

'Isn't this woman afraid of falling off at all? Especially when she's injured her leg?' wondered Raymond.

not touch her leg. After all, she was a stranger, so

own thoughts. She almost wished she would fall and twist her leg

be fine as long as

actually a little premature. When she was taken to see the doctor, Lucas was not there as he was busy getting topical medicine for Melody. Throughout the entire process, it was Raymond who accompanied

which leg was injured,

said, "Miss Thalia, are you mistaken? Your leg looks perfectly fine. Where does it

all. How could it be

would I come to the hospital if I didn't feel pain? Get me another doctor if you can't treat me. Don't try to use your question to cover

such an uncooperative patient. He had not even said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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