"How are you, Melody? Is your ankle better?" asked Monica.

Melody smiled. Monica's enthusiasm was always contagious, and Melody could not help but feel uplifted by her positivity.

"I'm mostly recovered, but I still can't put weight on my left foot for the next few days. I might need you and Penny to help me," Melody replied with a smile. Monica nodded. "It's so good to have you back. Now we can discuss the script together every day."

With Lucas having many things to attend to, they did not engage with him much and would follow his lead on how to address the rumors.

Once Melody was settled in, and seeing her enjoying her conversation with Monica and the others, Lucas simply bade them farewell before leaving.

After Lucas left, Monica finally mustered the courage to ask Melody, "Why the sudden move to the set? Your foot injury seems serious. Wouldn't it be more convenient to stay at home for now?"

Melody sighed, not wanting to delve into the details. "I have my reasons. What's the matter? You don't want me to stay in the dorm with you?"

living on

Melody smiled.

inadvertent display of fatigue, Penny quickly pulled Monica away, and they left. The dorm, which had just been

every corner of that

had no regrets. Creating some distance between herself and Lucas

avoid unnecessary emotional entanglement between them. Even though giving up on her beloved man might cause

love with someone who did not belong to her. Being too close to him only made her more

off, Lucas did not return home. Instead, he went back to the office, and sat down on his desk, staring blankly at the documents spread out

signed the document you requested just now?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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