"Grandma Beatrice, just because you have a bias against me doesn't mean you should think I would do something like that. Lucas and I have been good friends for many years. I didn't know he would be asleep in the study when I came to get the book. You're really misunderstanding me! Besides, I only covered Lucas with a blanket out of concern for him. Do you expect me to let a friend freeze on a sofa all night? You said you were going to bed earlier. I would've definitely come downstairs to get you first if I had known you were still awake."

Thalia's explanation was reasonable and even perfect. Beatrice realized she could not find fault with her and had no choice but to compromise in the end.

"Is that so? Then I apologize for the misunderstanding, Miss Thalia. It's getting late, so you should go back to your room. Lucas has me here."

Having obtained the desired photos, Thalia did not linger any longer. She put on a very aggrieved look, biting her lip. She hugged her phone and the book, then left the study. Before going downstairs, she gave the study a mysterious smile.

'No matter how capable this old lady is, she can't possibly win against me!' thought Thalia.

After Thalia went downstairs, Beatrice reached out and touched Lucas' forehead. He did not have a fever, and there did not seem to be any signs of him having been drugged by someone.

'But why would he fall asleep here?' wondered Beatrice.

out, Lucas had been returning to the bedroom he shared with her later and later.

spent with Melody. Thus, it was understandable he would not

found it strange that Lucas would fall asleep in the study. Furthermore, she had not heard Edmund mention anything about the company being particularly busy these days, so why would

several times, but he did not wake up. He seemed to be sleeping deeply, which puzzled her. However, she could not find any

Even if she wanted to do something, there wouldn't

sure Lucas was sleeping soundly before she

the staircase, she noticed a faint light

that woman doesn't cause any more trouble!'

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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