"Alright, since there's a morning scene to shoot, hurry up and go. Don't keep the cast waiting," Lucas said, urging Shaun to leave.

Of course, everyone had been in the business for so long, so they understood that Lucas did not want Melody to wait.

Once Shaun had left, Lucas could not stand the presence of the remaining people either. He dismissed them and then laid down on Melody's sofa. It was a place Melody often frequented, and he could still catch a whiff of her pleasant scent in the air.

Lucas' brow relaxed slightly, but the recent argument with Melody weighed on his mind. He could not help but wonder when Melody had started thinking about leaving him. However, there was a voice in his heart that was crystal clear; he absolutely would not allow her to leave him.

He did not know what to do next. He shifted his body, curling up his long legs on the narrow sofa. He did not mind the crampness of the sofa as long as he could smell Melody's scent on it. Unaware, he drifted off to sleep once again.

Melody acted as if Lucas did not exist. After a big scene, her morning shoot was over. Although it took some effort in the morning to get her makeup done, Shaun was very satisfied with the outcome of the


the screenwriter and director, as if she

didn't sleep well yesterday, and you've been working hard this morning. Go back

Shaun specifically reminded her that Lucas seemed to have not left her

need anyone's help at all. When she pushed open the door to her dressing room, Melody was surprised to find Lucas sleeping on her sofa. She frowned and approached him; even the

leave me alone? Isn't having Thalia enough for him?" Melody muttered to herself as she stood by Lucas' side,

hate as she stared at him. She hated herself for not being able to break free immediately, but she also

be so much better if relationships could be cleanly cut like silk. As Melody was lost in thought, Lucas' phone, which was placed on the table, suddenly rang. Afraid of waking Lucas up, Melody instinctively grabbed the phone, but she did

hesitation, Lucas woke up and came over to see Melody

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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