While watching Melody happily enjoy the chicken soup, Beatrice could not help but advise again. "Melody, why don't you come back home with me? I can't bear to see you living alone here, especially in such a small dormitory. You have to rely on your friends to buy food for you every day. It's not as convenient as having Lynette prepare meals for you at home, where you can have whatever you want..." Melody paused, then she looked up and smiled. "Grandma, it's fine, really. I find it convenient here."

In fact, the dormitory provided by the production crew was not small at all. It had three bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. Melody did not really need such a large space, but compared to the Riveras' mansion, it was significantly smaller.

Thus, it was understandable that Beatrice looked down on the place. It just did not sit right with her; seeing Melody living in such a small room, she felt it was beneath her.

Beatrice knew Melody would not agree. Her eyes were filled with disappointment.

to tell us. But, Melody, no matter how old you get, we'll always worry about you. Even if you don't

After a long while, she gathered her courage and asked Beatrice, "Grandma, have you ever considered that perhaps Miss Thalia might be more suitable

expression changed instantly. "Melody, where is this coming from? Why would

the sinking feeling in her heart, Beatrice did not show it on

that troublemaker away, but because of Lucas' strong attachment to her, she had not been able to do

voice could not hide her disappointment. She shook her head. "Grandma, it doesn't matter where this is coming from. It's how I feel. I can't help but think that perhaps Lucas and I got married too quickly, as we've only known each other for a short time. Miss

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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