"He says he's from the Rivera Group Legal Department, and you just believe him? Rivera Group is a huge conglomerate that deals with countless matters every day. How could they be concerned about what a no-name social media user has posted online? Just keep calm, and nothing will happen."

Thalia's voice was firm, but Tasha was still uncertain. She could not shake off the feeling that Thalia was not entirely reliable.

"Are you sure? Because he sounded so convincing and even mentioned serving me with a subpoena. He told me to find a lawyer, just in case. What if it's true? What am I supposed to do then? Do I have to find a lawyer? I don't want to get involved in a lawsuit!"

The more Tasha thought about it, the more frightened she became. She could not understand how she had been so naive as to accept a task from Thalia. Although her life had not been easy before, she had never gotten into trouble like this.

then? My entire future will

of this either!" This was perhaps the only clever move Tasha had made, not fully trusting Thalia. Otherwise, she would indeed be left to fend

We had an agreement, I gave you the money, and you helped me complete the task. Are you trying to back out now? I told you, as long as you do

money, right? I even gave you an extra forty thousand dollars. Are you still not satisfied? Can

because of the extra 40 thousand dollars

getting lawyers to sue me. Am I supposed to go to jail just for this little money? You also need to figure out a solution for me. Going to jail isn't

I want both of us to be okay because I hope to work together

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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