Occasionally, the crew members needed to touch up Melody's makeup or bring her clothes to try on. Lucas had grown accustomed to these routines and did not pay much attention to the activity.

"This outfit isn't as good as the previous one," Monica muttered.

It was Melody's final scene. Her outfit had been decided, but Shaun and the others were still deliberating, so Monica voiced her opinion.

Melody looked in the mirror and also felt that the outfit she tried on earlier was better.

"But the previous outfit is in my dressing room..." said Melody.

Monica volunteered to fetch the outfit for Melody. "You can just wait here, no need to run around. I don't have any scenes today anyway, so I'll go get them for you."

After saying that, Monica did not wait for Melody's response. She patted her arm and then hurried off to Melody's dressing room.

she looked at the man resting with his eyes closed. Men as handsome and capable as him were hard to come by. She would never have to worry about her future if she could be with a man

standards, Wendy was not lacking in charm herself. She was confident in her figure and her looks; they were

steal a kiss from Lucas,

Melody's outfit. To her surprise, she saw a stranger standing close to the sleeping Lucas, about to do something

and Wendy could not believe her eyes. She exclaimed in shock, "What

moved away from the

especially under the icy glare of Lucas' eyes, which sent

do anything! I just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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