Melody had decided to take a break after the filming ended before picking up other roles. She wanted to dedicate some quality time with Beatrice and Cedric, especially since they were getting older. Beatrice was overjoyed to hear that. "Oh, my child, how can I ever find you annoying? You're the most well-behaved child I've ever met. I couldn't be any happier to have you as my granddaughter-in-law!" Cedric was also in a good mood.

Melody felt her eyes well up when she saw all the food she liked laid out on the table.

"I heard from Lucas that you were coming back, so I had Lynette make all your favorite food. You must've been missing home-cooked meals during this time away. Take a look at the grilled spare ribs. Lynette and I picked out the freshest pork ribs in the market to make them. I guarantee you'll enjoy every bite..."

Beatrice continued introducing the dishes, and Melody could not help but wonder when the two elderly folks had started planning for this meal. She suddenly felt a pang of regret. If she had returned home without telling them beforehand, the elderly couple would not have had to go through all this trouble.

They had put in so much effort for them, yet they would be leaving again tomorrow morning. It seemed like too much trouble for just one meal!

Lucas seemed to sense what Melody was thinking and gently patted her back. "Telling them earlier was also to make them happy sooner. It's always better to know in advance and be happy about it than to come back suddenly, don't you think?"

nodded when she heard

more often from now on." Melody took a deep breath, not

so she cleaned her plate with relish, enjoying every bite of the home-cooked food. "Sure enough, nothing beats home-cooked meals!" said Melody after

delicious, then you should come back often. With Lynette here to help, I don't

with a smile. "I

chat with Beatrice and Cedric after dinner, but she could not resist the drowsiness and

"Since the filming is coming to an end, she's been waking up at four or five o'clock every morning, not getting back until around eleven

but feel sorry for Melody. They urged Lucas to

sofa. Besides, she'll be done with work soon. Afterward, she can come back and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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