[It's better to keep the peace and look at the bigger picture. What if Wendy starts spreading lies again and people believe her? Melody will be in trouble then.]

Many people sent private messages to this fan, asking her not to provoke Wendy anymore. However, this fan ignored them all. After all, she did not need to do anything for Wendy to be provoked. Wendy had harbored hatred toward Melody for a long time, evident from her words and actions that she had resented her since the day Melody was born.

'Oh, how naive those other fans are. Did they really think that crazy Wendy would stop posting harmful content about Melody just because we decided to stop engaging with her?' thought the fan.

The fans should have toughened up after going through so much with Melody, but that was obviously not the case. Perhaps it was because of Melody's kind nature that all the fans she attracted were kind too. Even when faced with Wendy, Melody's fans would always take the softer approach instead of attacking her. Unfortunately, Wendy took it as Melody's fans being a fake b*tch like Melody by pretending to be the victim.

Melody had no idea of all the gossip involving her that was going on online as she was still busy looking for evidence. At 1 a.m., she and Lucas-with bloodshot eyes-were still going through the surveillance footage when...


They suddenly slammed the table.

there no surveillance

cameras in his house. Instead, he thought the security personnel had installed too

not like the

living under surveillance. However,

not installing a few more surveillance cameras at the time. After all, he would have been able to see how his grandmother felPdown the stairs

surveillance camera at that

particular corner.

so they had no way of knowing how she

pressed pause. "Stop. Grandma will be sad to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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