"Did you really think that was the perfect lie? I've been told by more than one classmate that they've spotted you outside. They even sent me some photos. Would you like to take a look?" As soon as Claudia pulled out her phone, Thalia's expression soured momentarily. Then, she forced a bright smile the next second.

"What are you talking about? I spent my afternoon reading in the library. I even borrowed a collector's edition of Andersen's fairy tales that I missed out on buying for myself. See for yourself in the library." Thalia's calmness and composure were so convincing that Claudia would have believed every bit of it but for the evidence she had with her. Thalia's lies left Claudia feeling a little apprehensive.

"Do you think I'm as devious as you are? I'm telling you I have evidence because that's the truth, and I have a pretty good idea of why you'd want to go to school with me. It's because of Lucas, right? I didn't see what happened because I was rehearsing, but you made such a scene that it ended up being posted on our school forum. Lots of students have been saying things about you, so I bet you couldn't bear to hear it all. Then you decided to find someplace where you can hide.

"But I don't understand why all of this has to do with me. I'm your sister. Why would you badmouth me in front of Dad?"

Claudia's words made Thalia's expression sour even more. "What are you talking about? Why don't I know about this forum?"

our school can access it. Don't change the subject, Thalia. Answer my question: why did you lie to Dad? You were never in the library, and I ended up searching

Thalia's gloomy expression was

sort of posts had been

The thought

her gnawed at

she wondered if her unflattering appearance had been photographed by someone and posted online for

snatch the phone from Claudia's hand. "Hurry up and show me the comments that were made about mel didn't do anything!

So now you admit it! I guess I'm not even half as important as a

did not seem to care. Claudia could never be compared to Lucas

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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