Thalia pursed her lips. She found it pointless for her father to be there if all he could do was cry. Rather than helping, he could only sob to himself when the Riveras were busy negotiating with the kidnappers. He was not acting how a man should act, and she particularly despised those who shed tears.

"Don't hand over the money right away. We ought to contact the police and ask for their opinion on how to handle it," Cedric said.

Henry became anxious when he heard that. "But isn't that exactly what the kidnappers warned us not to do? We have to do as they say and avoid involving the police! If they find out, both Lucas and Claudia's lives will be in danger!"

The old lady waved. "You're not well-acquainted with their character, and you don't understand them either. Even if we don't involve the police, they have all sorts of ways to threaten the safety of our children.

"A better solution is to stall them and use the time to locate their hiding place. We can't view it from the narrow perspective of giving the ransom money and getting the children back. The kidnappers' greed cannot be underestimated. Are you sure they'll be satisfied after being given one round?"

had no right to say anything because the ransom money was being paid by them. The old man patted his shoulder again and said, "Don't worry, my wife and I share the same desire

be resolved quickly-which she was not keen on happening. She hoped that Claudia would receive

a case that was. "Captain Jimmy! I can't help but wonder how two children managed to be kidnapped in broad daylight at the sate. Has

other taxpayers paid taxes to live in a safe environment. The policemen were paid to do their job, but they failed to protect the peace and order in the area. The two children

negligence, and she had a headache when she thought about how Lucas would have to experience all that despite being just a teenager. He did not have a happy childhood to begin with, and it

vowed to bring him to a religious institution. She would have him receive some blessings to remove

this to happen twice. We've already started tracking the number that called you, and I'm quite sure we would be able to pinpoint the kidnappers' location if they hadn't been so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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