Lucas gestured for the nurse beside him to take care of Thalia, then left hastily.

Claudia was also in agony. She walked over to Thalia defeatedly, wanting to pull her up, but both ended up collapsing on the ground together.

"Claudia, oh Claudia. Sob! Tell me this is all fake! They must be lying to me. Everything was fine when we left this morning, and now they're saying Dad is in a vegetative state. They're lying to me, right? Tell me!"

Thalia shook Claudia repeatedly, who could only cry. She could not accept the truth herself, so how could she convince Thalia to accept it?

Although Thalia always acted tough toward her dad, they both knew she loved him deeply. Every little prank she pulled was just to get Henry's attention. She was just a mischievous child.

'Thalia must be in unbearable pain for having to face the fact that Dad might never wake up,' thought Claudia.

She hung her head in shame, believing more than ever that it was all her fault that Henry was in a vegetative state. She leaned on Thalia's shoulder in anguish, ignoring her resistance. At that moment, Thalia was the only family she had left to rely on.

he was unsure of how to face this reality. He felt like the outsider, the least qualified to tell them

drowned out by the

becoming a vegetative state, there were still so many things to handle. Since the day her father fell into a coma, Claudia

through all the procedures. He ensured Henry was transferred to the intensive care unit

be awash with endless tears. Thalia, on the other hand, stood beside him

her teeth in anger, but in the end, fate cruelly took away their father. It was at that moment she realized that if heaven could not give her what she wanted, she had to take matters

their father's

became like strangers. Claudia wanted

expression, she slowly fell behind. Eventually, it became a pattern where Thalia walked ahead and Claudia followed

of heart and started to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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