"Thank you, Thalia. I know I have many shortcomings as your older sister, and you've been feeling down since Dad's death. But believe me when I say our lives will only get better from now," said Claudia. Thalia kept her head down and remained silent for a while before lifting it with a smile. "Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold."

There were four dishes in total, two made by Claudia and two by Thalia. Thalia's dishes tasted a bit strange, but Claudia moved them both to the front of herself.

Thalia took a bite and happily said that it was delicious.

"Have more, then. Who knows if you'll get to eat it again in the future," Thalia said meaningfully.

"Why? We're going to be in each other's lives forever. Aren't you going to cook for me anymore?" Claudia asked.

"Who can guarantee forever?" Thalia explained. "We might not live in the same place when we go to college."

"I'll choose the same city as you, so we won't be apart!"

meal was a turning point in their sisterly relationship, a sign of Thalia's forgiveness. She did not

a plate of food, Claudia suddenly asked Thalia to pour her a

me for

her. Never had once Claudia asked Thalia to do

like you said, maybe we won't get

again, Thalia thought this might be their last meal together. Eventually, she stood up and poured the glass of water for

not see, Claudia observed her for

went back to her room to take a nap after

head and stroked her beautiful face. "Oh Claudia, for so many years, I've lived in your shadow. But now, finally, I've got what I

satisfied at the thought of her bright future. After so many years, she finally

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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