Once that was picked up by the media, Melody and Lucas would surely dominate the headlines.

"This doesn't look pre-rehearsed at all. Just look at how surprised they are," remarked one observer. "I'd venture to say that Mister Lucas's decision to watch her performance from the crowd means that he's trying to avoid the spotlight. But the slim odds of being selected caught him off-guard. I wonder what sort of question he'll ask?"

Lucas had a stroke of inspiration and broached the topic of considering a singing career. "Your voice was incredible. You could become a singer."

His words set the other fans abuzz. He was implying that he would arrange a record deal for Melody.

responded. Acting still held her focus, and she had just only starred in one film. If she could not excel in her passion, then venturing into other fields might

might consider recording an album to fulfill their wishes. Her main goal, after

Let's move on to the next fan," she said, trying to quell the blush creeping

everyone has accepted your marriage, we're still curious about the circumstances that brought you two together. You're a rising star in showbiz, and he's a corporate

thus, a public figure did not mean that they had a right to pry into her personal affairs. Her fans should be content with appreciating her work, not asking

her relationship. Aside from the fan who asked that question, she was also aware that many other people were interested in knowing that information. She knew that she had to be aware of that and avoid setting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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