However, Melody gave her fans a special solo performance of the song, knowing that her fans would want to see more of her when they came there.

"True love once loved leaves nothing to regret... Our years by the sea you shall soon forget..."

Although the movie had not been released yet, Melody's words were full of emotion, and everyone felt the same way.

"Ahhhh! Why do I feel like War Song is going to be a tearjerker?"

"You don't need to have a hunch to know that. It's obvious from the lyrics Melody sang that it'll be a heart-wrenching masterpiece. Who would've thought that Melody's first lead role is in a tragedy? It's a little heartbreaking. She went through so much during that time, and the psychological toll must have been immense! Ugh, Shaun is such a cruel director!"

super glad that Melody has someone who cherishes her. It's so much better for her to have someone who supports and cares for her than to go through

inclined fans. They supported all of Melody's actions, and they accepted Lucas's presence in her life fairly quickly. They were quite comfortable in the knowledge that Lucas would likely be watching Melody from a distance during the event, as they were very well aware that their woman needed someone to take care of her. The fact that her partner was the president of the Rivera Group made it even better as it was rare for anyone to receive that amount of devotion from their

Melody is attractive and talented enough that she would have admirers lining up by

moment, another fan next to her nudged her and pointed to the man sitting in the row in front of them. He seemed familiar,

same time, he was also wearing a headband with Melody's image on it. His love for Melody was obvious, and the fangirls were very much reasset by that. Their concern was not so much that Melody was in relationship but whether her man would treat her well. They were also worried that she might neglect her career due

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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