"If you genuinely wish to have your styling done at our studio, please be patient and wait. However, if you no longer wish to stay, there's a hair salon just down the street to the right that might be more suitable for you and your daughter."

"Why you!" Karen's face flushed with anger. Other wealthy ladies present snickered at her.

Karen had not expected such audacity from such a small studio. 'Who does he think he is?'

"Do you even know who I am? How dare you speak to me like this! You better watch your mouth, or I'll make sure to close down this makeup studio for good!" threatened Karen through gritted teeth. Sadie also stood up and went to stand behind her mother to back her up.

"What are you even? A man or a woman? You should feel honored I'm willing to let you do my styling, yet you're standing there shaming us?"

Rita could tolerate all the insults Karen and Sadie threw at her, but what she could not tolerate was them insulting her friend.

cards, so you're not entitled to getting your styling done in this studio in the first place!

After all, he had received plenty of insults since entering this

neither man nor woman, why would you even want someone like me, as you say, to style your hair? Who's the more despicable

had been so spoiled rotten by

slap Denny, but she failed to realize whom she

the makeup studio, Denny had catered only to wealthy and prominent ladies, and he had a way of winning them over. Many genuinely liked his personality and ended up

in the wrong here. All customers should be

getting her hair styled leisurely walked up

'Isn't she Lisa Hampton? Why, I've been trying to curry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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